Cookie Clickers 2 is a game where you create a new cookie by clicking on the mobile version of a large cookie on your screen. Once you have collected enough cookies, you can use them to buy things like “Grandma” or “Farm” to increase the production of cookies per second (CpS). You can also purchase items that increase the CpS of your clicks and services.
They have added a mobile version to their very popular browser game Cookie Clickers 2. The editors also confirmed that there is an Android version. After all, the number of cookies will increase even if you do nothing. Let’s enhance cookies by adding items and upgrading items while observing the status. This game should gradually attract more players.
If you increase the game to something, the cookies will increase like crazy even if you leave the game unattended. But sometimes it’s nice to get a golden cookie.
Category of Games – Simulators. This is a real idle game where you make cookies and rule the universe. The Android version of Cookie Clickers 2 is similar to the web browser version. Cookies will grow even if you don’t open the game every time, so it’s safe and perfect for long games!
Cookie Clickers 2 can be accessed by so many different people that I think that must be the downside of the game. First, players created new cookies by clicking on the large cookie on the game screen.
After these clicks, the news mode in the top center binds the player. They throw the first cookie in the trash or even to a nearby raccoon. Don’t touch anything, it sells well.
The game is based on an endless loop of buying new equipment to earn more cookies and using more cookies to buy new equipment to make more cookies. Want to buy a lot of cookies at once? Keep it up, this game will get you good cookies!
That means you should buy the next 10 devices, no matter how pointless. By purchasing certain technologies, you can upgrade your existing equipment to increase your production capacity. The price of buying the same material is not always the same. There must be a specific proportional series.
Install, update, hack
There are many updates, but very few cookies, so use the cookies you have.
Initially, players had to create an Excel spreadsheet, but we thought it would be great to stop and thank these hardworking and passionate players for their hard work. And everyone chose JavaScript called Cookie Monster. It is very easy to list the costs and benefits of an investment.
After implementation, players can intuitively see if it’s worth spending cookies where it matters most. You can also calculate how long it takes to buy the cookies you need. You can also know when the next golden cookie will appear and how long it will take for them to take effect.
In Cookie Stats it is useful to calculate how many Sky Chips (HC) you will receive if you discard Sky Chips (HC) in your current position. More on that later. If you are using Google Chrome, click the button in the upper right corner of your browser, select Tools and select JavaScript Console.
Then paste the following JavaScript code into the console. Then press enter on this tab. According to the page above, you can also bookmark the grammar below and load the JavaScript into the game by clicking the bookmark on the game page. In short, very simple but useful.
After installation, you can see various upgrades and equipment count changed and colors added. Green indicates the reporting frequency recommended by the system, and red indicates a serious warning that this is a bad investment.
Additional cookies
Learn how to get additional cookies.
Golden Biscuits
Clicking on a random lucky cookie will give you the following effects:
175% is crazy: cookie output in 77 seconds – 7 times (mouse point included)
175% Satisfied: The algorithm created by the author is very complex. But in short, about 10% of existing cookies. So, the more current cookies, the better, but the limit is higher.
325% clicks are madness. In 13 seconds, you can get 777 times more than a large cookie. Use your mouse to click on programs and spend hours or days earning money. The results are terrible!
325% is the cookie limit. The first is 6 cookies, the second is 66 after 3 seconds, the third is 666 after 3 seconds, and the highest score is 6,666,666,666,666,666. Do you know how much this amount will be?
Red cookies
Clicking on the brain update will show Ana’s anger. The name of the game is “Granmapocalypse”. A random cracker will spawn first. The odds depend on the offender’s anger index.
The higher the index, the more likely it is to occur. Red cookies do not spread when calm, 33% when awake, 66% when angry, and 100% when angry.
When they stand up, their critics will be angry. And the background becomes even more disgusting. Red cookies are similar to gold cookies and have special effects, but they are not always accurate.
94% are fragments. 5% of existing cookies have expired.
94% is luck. The effect is like a golden cookie.
94% are thrombi, half capacity in 66 seconds. If you need to buy advanced cookies, the effect will be better and the time will be doubled.
90% is insane. You have only 6 seconds to increase your production capacity by 666 times. It is said that many people order the red cookies, but I am not sure if this is true or not.
21% of clicks are fans. The effect is like a golden biscuit.
08% – Cookie Range: Similar results to Golden Biscuit.
So, the red cookies aren’t harmless, they just add to the background horror of the game.
The milk
The next four upgrades are kitty upgrades. Upgrades will generate more cookies as long as you have enough milk. So, what is milk?
Milk is the number of achievements you have opened. You can see the numbers in the figures. On the game’s main screen, you can see the milk as a bubbling liquid under the cookies.
Got it! Base your milk in proportion to your achievements. Due to the different percentage of updates, they also have different types and colors.
0% < regular milk < 148%
152% < Milk Chocolate < 248%
252% < raspberry milk < 348%
352% < Orange juice
There are many types of recovery and save recovery after recovery. So don’t be afraid to start over!
Sky Chip (HC)
Each time you reset; you’ll earn Sky Chips for the total amount of cookies you’ve baked. Any constellation can be expanded at 2% of production. It could be higher, but the author reduced the ratio.
The Heavenly chip seems to be around 1 per gigabyte. With Monster Cookies, it’s clear how much HC you can currently earn, how much power you can increase, and how long it will take for your next chip.
After resting, your stats will show reputation. Below are the SkySign rewards received since the last reset. Some players are at a very high level because you can compare their free time with reference to the computer.
Total score
Will it work well in your environment? As far as the browser game Cookie Clickers 2 Hacked APK is concerned, we have developed our own browser.
As expected, the reaction speed of the net world and fashion items is at sublight speed level. The game can transfer data between the smartphone and the computer, but its weak point is that it will stop when the screen is turned off.
This will continue to bake cookies in the background until player activity is stopped. The basic functions of smartphone browsers are so simple that it seems difficult to limit them.
But don’t worry. It has the ability to affect things automatically, without you touching them. When you press the menu button (multitasking button), the menu is displayed and you can touch it freely. Its touch speed is amazing, 100 touches per second very fast.
It also has a built-in chat function, so you can invite Golden Cookies freely. However, with this feature you can unlock the hidden achievement “Impersonate”.
There is also a function to adjust the screen horizontally and change the page to the Japanese version. It is that simple. Most importantly, this feature keeps cookies in the background even when the screen is off.
However, some people may be using it normally on the Google Play review page, so may be related to the environment. I need to study this a bit more. Undoubtedly, this app will allow you to play faster than your smartphone.
Additional mini game: Room
Dungeons are also where you can get cookies, but I’m not sure if that works. It has a pizzeria-like atmosphere, with online mini-games you can play to pass the time after ordering your pizza online.
The game includes upgrades and other elements for baking cookies. Games have characters, levels and titles. There are dark achievements, but they are not included in the calculation. As a result, you will have a room where you can spend time in your free time.
It is also a JavaScript add-on that is used similarly to add the following syntax to the Google Chrome JavaScript console: But it takes 50+ factories to open a corner.
When you log in, the map will appear randomly. Atlan is a little girl named Nazak. However, it can accommodate 3 more people. As for the title, I don’t know if it was killed, the title was changed, or the title was changed in an update.
At first it was a secret bakery, but eventually it turned into an evil bakery. 100 factories are less likely to be hacked. Then, if you encounter a tough enemy, move your mouse over the arrow keys and keep clicking to increase the girl’s attack speed.
Otherwise, each character attacks once. So, this design is really what the creator wants to keep the players clicking.
The last word
The Android smartphone app for “Cookie Clickers 2”, a popular game on the Internet since around 2013, was released on September 28. It’s still in development, but you can download it for free. An iPhone app is also available. There have been voices of glee and confusion on SNS.
Cookie Clickers 2 MOD APK is a free game published by foreign game site “Dashnet”. When you click on the cookies displayed on the right side of the screen, the number of cookies increases according to the number of clicks. This is just a game, but using increased cookies as a resource to buy items increases the number of cookies.
Despite its easy-to-understand content, it created many “addicts” and created a boom hidden in a kind of “grandmother” who baked cookies. The smartphone app has the same content as the PC version, and some fans tweeted, “It’s perfect to do between work. It’ll become a habit.” Think about cookies. “